It is black irony indeed, that the scarcity of oil has fueled so much death misery and destruction on the planet; and now Mother Nature forces more oil on us than we can live with.
Hope you find some value or clarity in these links, together or singly.
As I find links, I will add to this list. Posts in chronological order; first earliest, last most current.
A compilation of video and quotes from BP and others addressing the seriousness of the oil leak..
Oceanographer John Kessler analyses methane.
Corexit and crop damageReports Say Huge Explosions Cause Seafloor Collapse Beneath Gulf Oil Spill (Update 9)
Oil And Gas Leaks From Cracks In Seabed Confirmed – Videos Show Gulf Oil Spill Leaking From Seafloor
BP Gulf Oil Spill Is Already In Gulf Stream And May Hit North Carolina Beaches Any Day
MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd"
Why BP is readying a ’super weapon’ to avert escalating Gulf nightmare
Oil Pressure Stopping Short of Target ... Does that Mean the Well Integrity Test Is Failing? Washington's blog is an excellent compilation of all the media waffle out there.Is oil leaking from the sea floor around the BP well? Video
Hell Has Come to South Louisiana
Toxicologists: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding”, "Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” and “Every Organ System"
Doomsday Methane Bubble Rupture?: How the BP Gulf Disaster May Have Triggered a 'World-Killing' Event
Republicans Block Investigative Power for Oil Spill Commission
Dr.Riki Ott alleges BP engaged in massive cover-up to hide Gulf Disaster damage video
Technician: Deepwater Horizon Warning System Disabled video The chief engineer on the Deepwater Horizon tells a government panel that warning systems on the drilling rig were inhibited because the crew did not want to be disturbed in the middle of the night.
Methane Release From the Gulf Oil Spill: What Does It Mean? How Bad Could It Get?
Short videos on the Blow out preventer failure. Very well explained
The New York Times page of videos on various aspects of the Macondo spill. Very worthwhile and fascinating.
Corexit vapour turns planes orange/causes acid rain? video
New Photos: Suffering Dolphins in Barataria Bay - oil bp
Gulf Citizens Do Media’s Job, Find Deadly Amounts of Toxins at Grand Isle
Barge crashes into oil well in Gulf, NEW 20ft High Oil Gusher (RAW FOOTAGE)
NWS: Oil spill [another one!] could reach Lake Michigan by Sunday
Growing Health Crisis in the Gulf

BP Gulf Oil Spill Seeps Mapped In Google Earth – Feds Explanation Of Sea Floor Leaks Don’t Add Up
Irish firm gambles on extinction
Online betting site calculates the odds of several species' demise due to Gulf oil spill.
Admiral Allen Says Gas Seep is from the Rigel Gas Field ... Did BP Accidentally Tap Into the Rigel Gas Field?
Attempted arrest of BP executives in DC recently
Dublinmick Many links and videos here I have not seen before.
Good toxic rain video/links
Michigan oil spill
I am just starting to look into some of your links. I have seen some of them before.
I have thought a good argument about the deepwater drilling has to do with Peak Oil and the claim that as there is less easy to reach oil on land, the drillers have to go farther out into deeper water, the arctic, and tar sands, etc, in order to find oil in any quantities. Yes, they might find some areas with a lot of oil, but Peak Oil is not telling us that there isn't any more oil, it's just saying that there is a finite amt, and that we have pretty much harvested the low hanging fruit, so to speak, at this point.
Michael Ruppert was asked recently about this on the RT production with Max Kaiser.
Hey steven,
Thanks for your thoughts.
We have no need for oil really. We have the technology to provide alternate energy sources.
The problem is all the capital invested in finding, drilling, refining etc. oil. Those who own these means of production are not going to take a loss on their investment.
It's really and economic problem for capitalists: not a shortage of alternative energy or know how.
Pity. We may yet drown in oil. If we kill the oceans, the planet is doomed since rain comes from the oceans, and would then be toxic. Plants wont grow.
Hope springs eternal I guess.
It is population reduction.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. May I introduce you to another Irishman, currently living in Scotland. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
Thanks for the links Dubmick...I have added them. Been looking for like minded Irish bloggers.
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