Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ambulance driver brutalized by police: cops did it right!

Charges won't be filed in trooper scuffle case

Last Update: 6/05 5:01 pm

Charges won't be filed against troopers or a paramedic, involved in a scuffle near Paden. That's in Okfuskee County.

The paramedic's attorney, Richard O'Carroll, says, "We are disappointed the district attorney did not file charges against the trooper. While we understand his position politically, we believe it would have gone a long way in resolving the matter."

Video surfaced of the scuffle last month, and shows the men came to blows while a patient waited to be taken to the hospital.

The patient's son recorded the clash on his cell phone.

He says the argument started after the ambulance failed to yield to troopers en route to a call.

But the man says the ambulance driver was busy trying to avoid a car that slowed down, and wasn't aware that troopers were nearby until it was too late.

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Small bits of the thread of life we weave together into the fabric of ourselves, in the hope we will make sense of our existence, individual and collective.

On this page, is the cloak I have fashioned from my fabric to warm myself in a universe which often makes little sense.

Inside my cloak, it is warm enough to face the blistering cold winds of the insane world in which I find myself.

If you find some a bit of 'the good stuff' here, it has been my pleasure.