Readers Opinions
Dismissed employees beat CEO to death
anil prakash pande, dubai, says: justice delayed is justice denied. today leaders are commenting about SIMI ban to be lifted, ahmed bukhari saying india should face one more division. people given death sentence, still not punished. india is a country that has people having no faith in judiciary. i am sure this kind of wild, voilent and savage behaviour will go unnoticed. just few days media talking about it, then comes aussies series and everything is forgotton.
[23 Sep, 2008 1910hrs IST]
AKN, Bindrabad, says: Arrest the 200 workers, lock them in a big barn, and set the barn on fire.
[23 Sep, 2008 1858hrs IST]
Biswajit Ghosh, Lagos, Nigeria, says: Ashis of Hyderabad and Sree of Bangalore, we collectively as Indians have shamed ourselves enough with this horrific incident. Don't forget you have families too. How would you react if your dad / brother / son meets the same fate ? Please, for God's sake, if you don't feel like sympathasing with the bereaved family, who is no different for yours, at least don't write anything which show you in such poor light !!
[23 Sep, 2008 1830hrs IST]
sunil, delhi, says: Union Labour Minister Oscar Fernandes is supporting workers in their act. I don't think any human can support this. I think these guys are animals or may be worse.
[23 Sep, 2008 1825hrs IST]
SHRIRAM, Pune, says: These type of cruel deeds nearby Capital City shows serious breakdown in the system & handicap situation of the government.What we want to give as massage with these examples? I don't think that,we are on right track of Vision 2020 dreamed by then Honourable President Prof.Abdul Kalam.... Very unfortunate & further jungle raj situation of day to day detoriated Noida area.
[23 Sep, 2008 1820hrs IST]
shamsher kumar, new york, says: pls send the employees in noida to meet ceo of a.i.g , lehmann, fredey mack for few days only
[23 Sep, 2008 1706hrs IST]
Anubhav Jain, Delhi, says: Now we need to add another term in our increasing vocabulary, that is Industrial Violence. What a shame? How can one person kill another? I am sure people who were sacked deserved to be sacked otherwise also since they have an animal in them. These people should be hanged to death like other terroists.
[23 Sep, 2008 1705hrs IST]
Sukesh, Noida, says: This is very shocking news. All ppl who were involved in this murder should get capital punishment. No mercy should be shown to them. My deep condolence to the bereaved family of CEO.
[23 Sep, 2008 1701hrs IST]
dhirendra chheda, mumbai, says: Dear Sir I strongly condem the murder of CEO of Noida as not for it was hear of company but he may have called you for solution but this is not the way to behave
[23 Sep, 2008 1651hrs IST]
Navneet Bhanot, Delhi, says: Lalit K Chaudhary was a role model for many in the auto parts business. God bless his soul God bless India
[23 Sep, 2008 1502hrs IST]
Niko, Australia, says: This is the real truth of this country. The reason China continues to prosper, the police have no idea on what is happening, Delhi area is known for violence on women as well. There is no law and order, Judiciary is only for name sake and sits in a complicated mode. The law enforcers are in a confused state, no training and no funding.
[23 Sep, 2008 1458hrs IST]
Sam Mathur, Navi Mumbai, says: What escapes me is how can some one or any one justify a murder on whatever grounds. He was a human being who was warm and alive when he came to meet the very workers who have now rendered him cold and lifeless. We in India have become too desperate and too impatient, we hit, we harm, we kill for any reason... caste, religion, beliefs, ticket conuter queues, hate, love whatever. The worst is the mob... u do whatever n u get away with it... then we become pacifists and rationalise mob violence. That's what chills my blood, fills me with horror. I live in Kolkata and Mumbai and I've been caught at the centre of mob violence at both places... believe me it still makes me numb in helplessness.
[23 Sep, 2008 1445hrs IST]
Sundari, hyd, says: I would like to know if any action will be taken (against these barbarians) when we write our opinion? Otherwise what is the point?These opinions should not become some statistics. Is the editor capable of voicing these concerns to the right people? What can we educated people of India do? Please ,please I am trully distressed by these events and I would like to do something about it. Can anyone suggest something? Who gave the right to these people to take law in their hands? My prayers are for the family of the deceased. Gosh ! when I saw the son I was shattered.God bless the family.
[23 Sep, 2008 1421hrs IST]
sandeep, canada, says: The bludgeoning of the CEO in Noida by employees adds to the borrible mob violence that is affecting the minds of masses in India. Not only does the government and law officials need to take immediate actions against such crimes, but this mass hysteria should also be analyzed and dealt with on the social levels especially in our educational systems. My appeal to my countrymen in India is let us put an end to this madness before the democracy of our nation turns into anarchy. Let us educate people how to handle grievances against individuals, against communities and against the government in appropriate and mature ways. Remember, we are not animals nor have we descended from them(though some would like to think and behave as such), rather, we are human beings created in the image of God.
[23 Sep, 2008 1400hrs IST]
Andy, Pune, says: Hope IT CEOs take a note of this. So far IT professionals are killing themselves...It will just take a moment to turn the gun around.
[23 Sep, 2008 1353hrs IST]
k venkataraman, new delhi, says: yadha raja, thada praja. no wonder many factories in noida have been closed. now all the ceos and coos must think twice before accepting any job in noida. on top the civil aviation deptt is thinking of building an airport here. they crowd will burn all the planes and bomb the airport.
[23 Sep, 2008 1344hrs IST]
pratikshit singh , noida , says: it,s high time that these ruthless capitalist learn alesson , otherwise they will have to bear the brunt of workers ..
[23 Sep, 2008 1301hrs IST]
Renu, taiwan, says: This news should be made 'international' so that foreign companies will think twice before setting up branches in India. Education or no education, Indian mentality will never change. I'm really ashamed to be an Indian.
[23 Sep, 2008 1232hrs IST]
Bose, Delhi, says: Long live UP Police. These are the signs of time to come.
[23 Sep, 2008 1206hrs IST]
muthu, chennai, says: It is shocking news. We should have more stringent laws to control.People working in an Industry should behave well.killing a person is not a solution to the problem.CEO of the company has brought the company to such a high level because of that all employees are living in a very good standard. For employees, he was god. Those people needs to be punished.
[23 Sep, 2008 0910hrs IST]
Ramanand, Washington, D.C., USA, says: It is surprising to see that people are debating, whether the dismissed employees were at fault or the CEO was on fault, without having all the facts of the situation. However, in any case a murder is a murder and it is a crime; and the criminal should be brought to justice. What did these dismissed employees got from this incidence. If they had any grievance from the lay-off, they could have filed a law suite and had pressured the government and politicians to expedite their case in the court. No body should be allowed to take the law in their own hands irrespective of the government and the location (country). If the government does not have adequate law governing the right and responsibilities of workers and the employing companies, no one other than the government can create one. Yes, people can press on the government to do that. In general, the law and order situation in India is such that people in most of the towns and cities always fear for their lives. The government needs to take some drastic actions to correct the situation.
[23 Sep, 2008 0104hrs IST]
aa, usa, says: You know what the police/justice system should do is that round up the people (100 or 200) please put them on trial and give them sentences. It is just 200 people and from this others will learn a lesson that none can take law in their own hands. Justice needs to be served.
[22 Sep, 2008 2354hrs IST]
sen, malaysia, says: To take a person's life under any circumstances is,inhuman, obnoxious and of course wrong. The culprits are murderers and should be punished as such. I am aghast to see some are supporting the murder! They should also be punished as instigators. Have we, Indians, no morality and humanity left? How these people know what was the problem and who was wrong, company or workers? They are advocating violence, indiscipline and mafia rule. Shame on them.
[22 Sep, 2008 2009hrs IST]
Rohit, USA, says: To Dev from Austin, USA. I have lived in USA for 30 years. US firms give 3-6 months severance pay to employees. Only the CEOs and their cronies get large severance packages. But, the US employee gets unemployment insurance payments for some time whereas no such thing exists in India to the best of my knowledge.
[22 Sep, 2008 2009hrs IST]
JIKUBHAI, MUMBAI, says: Action taken by dismissed employee is sign of frustration to maximum extent as it has been observed that many companies CEO's are dismissing their own employees without any reason and dictating their own terms and conditions like dictator and deserved such treatment.
[22 Sep, 2008 2000hrs IST]
Hindu, India, says: Should wait for postmartum report to understand cause of death . This is unbelieveble
[22 Sep, 2008 1958hrs IST]
Mohsin Iqbal, Jammu, says: respected Sir/Ma'm; I don't suppose that anybody whosoever he or she is should be so brutally killed on any ground basis. Atleast in our country there should be an example of humanity and commemority. If anybody's career is affected they should only harass but not kill. The slain CEO's family might be wailing and who could bear that neither you nor me nor anybody else.
[22 Sep, 2008 1956hrs IST]
Abhijit, Minneapolis, says: It is necessary in India to have a safety net; it may not be suitable to have a US style social security given the large number of un-documented labour - also that US social security system is under duress as more & more people enter their labour market. A proposal of providing unemployment insurance largely donated from employer fund, partly from employee fund & partly from govt. would be a good solution. The insurance should pay the workers that have been laid-off salary they would have otherwise got if employed for a short term duration (like say a year or so) to see them thru' their re-training & re-deployment. And for God's sake, privatize as much as possible, lower taxes, control govt. spending to create more jobs
[22 Sep, 2008 1956hrs IST]
shankar, Los Angles, says: While the death of CEO is tragic or for that matter any death is tragic. We must realise the workers are human too and they have a family to take care off and cannot be fired just to maintain the profit margins. The report does not say if the workers were fired for misconduct or for the dereliction of duties. But this is what one should exect from the heartless corporate world where money is god and greed is a virtue.
[22 Sep, 2008 1939hrs IST]
Sen, USA, says: There are many posters that are trying to find a 'rationale' behind this murder, citing style of CEO, problem of firing etc. What they don't get is that lawlessness is never a solution. Murder is a crime in a civilized society, what ever is the driver behind it.
[22 Sep, 2008 1933hrs IST]
Philadelphia and the Darkside of Liberty
13 hours ago
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